Quick Draw!

It's a quick multiplayer art game, that's the basics at least, each round is about 30 seconds.. you have 10 seconds to draw then you all take turns voting on each others art.. Who ever has the best score in the end wins.. really not much to the game but I've spent hours on it lol

In the start of the game you will see a white screen, here you are allowed to change your color and join/host a game, when hosting a game you give the code to your friends and they can join.. you decide when the game starts.. if your friend sends you a code then they'll be the ones in control of when the game starts


  • Mac: 10.11+, Chrome/Safari/Firefox
  • Windows: Not Tested

    Launch now, on santana!

  • Click this! /Multiplayer drawing game, it's quick

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    Minnesota <3