
Notepad is basic software that will allow you to take notes in your browser, easy and done :)

Description of this game has been provided by: @Ax_leaked


  • Mac: 10.11+, Chrome/Safari/Firefox
  • Windows: Not Tested

    Launch now, on santana!

  • Click this! /take notes, for fun?

    Communities are places where players can come together and post comments/talk about games.

    To manage the chaotic nature of the internet (including the comment section) communities often use one or more of the following methods:

    • Moderators - Mostly Volunteers
    • Bots - Machinery Slaves
    • rediquette/rules - Obey them or get banned


    Not using Html Comment Box  yet?

    No one has commented yet. Be the first!


    Need help?

    if your having a problem with the santana website or can't remeber your santag password, send me a message on twitter and I might be able to help! :) @Ax_Leaked

    Minnesota <3